When should I buy a home?

G’day, my name is Brett Birkill and today’s question is -

When to buy a home, and it’s a very simple one for me to answer. The answer is NOW or yesterday if we could make that happen.  The simple fact remains and history proves that over time, property prices in Australia continue to rise and in my opinion they will always continue to do so.

The average Australian house price in 1993 was $111,000.  25 years later in 2018 that number had risen to $571,000 or a massive increase of 412%.  Continue on for the next 25 years like this, in 2043 the average house price in Australia will be in excess of $2.9 million dollars.

In Melbourne my home-town, the average price within the next 25 years by 2043 will hit $5.8m dollars, that’s the average house price in Melbourne, 5.8m dollars, it’s massive.  I passionately urge any new home buyer or anyone thinking about buying now to do so.  Why because figures show that waiting will cost you lots of money.  If you have a go and buy a home today on average you will reap millions of dollars of capital growth as has been proven in the past but it has to start somewhere.  

Most wait to buy property but facts and history proves that we should all buy property and simply wait.  I did it and so can you. 

Contact me anytime. birkill.com.au 

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