The great investment rehab

We all need rehab.  Financial rehab and our heads read.  The way we all butcher our money and screw up our future needs serious analysis.  At the touch of a smart phone button, we can destroy years of building a balanced share portfolio thanks to our modern share trading aps.  This factor, that is the ease at which shares can be sold is the absolute #1 reason why property will always beat shares.

Also, consider money lenders, they will give us more when property is the security.  More money in the game equals more return and more profit.  Government’s will also pass on things like first home buyer grants and no capital gains tax for property in certain circumstances. Can you ever imagine receiving a ‘first share buyer grant’?  Never, and please don’t hold your breath, government concessions for shares will never happen.

Next time Donald Trump tweets something and the US share market crashes and Australian investors wake up to panic and anxiety ready to sell all their shares, investors who own property will be forced to ride out these inevitable humps.  This is a brilliant thing.  Everything goes up and down, this will never stop occurring but over time we all know what happens, property just keeps on rising. 

Due to most of us losing our minds and selling shares for any reason, most will never experience the long-term growth in shares because we buy and sell at exactly the wrong times.  It’s called a financial brain fade.  Nobody is to blame, it’s the way our minds are wired but of course we all know this is oh so wrong and excludes us from enjoying the financial ride up.  Property puts us on the financial straight and narrow.  It’s like the great investment rehab but with no fees payable.     

Let’s stop this financial illness.  Do what I did, and continue to do, put your money into property, and by default you will win and win really really big. 

Property will out do shares forever.

Contact me anytime –